• Tiffany Ever Pineda

    Student of the Chinese Boxing Institute International @ ChineseBoxing.com Ray Hager's WaLu Kung Fu Club @ Walukungfu.org, Licensed Massage Therapist, & Tai Chi Qi Gong Instructor of The American Qi Gong Association


    I trained with Ray for 8 years straight from the age of 20-28, they were some of the Best Years of my Life as Most people would say who trained with Ray. He holds much wisdom and experience and would make things Fun & Exciting & Most of ALL Rewarding. As a World Class Athlete he knew how to make sure you made Gains. He would train Bagua, Shingi, Wing Chun, Weight Lifting, Grappling, Chen Tai Chi Laojia Long Form, Double Edged Sword Form, and more.. Stillness training, Tai Chi 13 move form, Martial Yoga, Short Form, Ninja Rolls, Tao Yin, Chin Na, and Breathwork. Classes would normally be close to 2 hours three times a week. Some years they would be predictable Long Form, Ground Form & maybe a split off to learn a technique or energy of the moves. Later he started switching things up and we would never know what to expect. Some years would be every day of the week twice a day to get at least 2 hours a day in plus homework practice. Whatever it was I was there. We began learning about diet and healing students of obesity and helping to manage diabetes and other health issues. After the 8 years my training with Ray became more spread out and I began to take an interest in the practice of some of my other martial arts friends I had met along the way.

    Other Influences Include:

    Dr. George Qi Love of Blue Dragon Qi Gong & Accupuncture, Taoist Vegan

    Lester Holmes Yang Style of House of Taiji

    Marylin Cooper of Little River Kung Fu School

    Jeff Reid, David Wei, and Lindsay Wei of Wudang Zhang

    Tiffany Chen daughter of William C Chen in New York New York Yang Style

    Sharon Smith of New York New York from the Immortal Sisters Conference

    Grant Clyman of Darsana Martial Arts

    Chen Xuejiao Perpignan France

    Ari Kandel of Guided Chaos



    I met another Taiji practitioner names Lester Homes who began his training the same year as me. He practices Yang style and invited me to the park to attend some of his classes or just train there solo together. He was also a former body builder and vegetarian. He loved to connect with other martial artists and connect them together. I began an explorative adventure where I ended up traveling the world meeting other Amazing Martial Artists. It started after Lester introduced me to one of his Wudand Zhang friends David Wei, who invited me to his school in Oakland California to take his friend Jeff Reid's seminar. From there i stayed in touch with Jeff and was invited to train with him in Wudang Zhang China. Here I experienced their traditional training , visit Wudang Zhang Mountain, and have tea with the Grand Master! It took me 3 days just to get there by plane and train. What I experienced there gave me the drive to open my own training immersions.



    Your Bodies are Temples of the Holy Spirit, Treat it Right & it wiLL Treat You Right in Return! Taking care of our Body & Mind is a Righteous Way of LiFe that wiLL Always Lead to Prosperity...

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